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Nested if statement

Nested if statement is the next step of if-else statement. The nested if statement provides the facility to use a conditional if statement inside the another conditional if statement.

if(condition 1)
  if(condition 2)
     // statements to be executed
 //statements to be executed if condition 1 is false

Let's see an appropriate example of nested if statement.

//Program to check a candidate is eligible to get job or not.
void main()
  char ch;
  int age;
  printf("Enter your gender: ");
  if(ch=='m' || ch=='M')
     printf("Enter your age: ");
        printf("Congrats! you got it.");
        printf("Sorry! you are under 18.");
   printf("This is not for you.");

Sorry! you are not eligible
Congrats! you are eligible

if else-if ladder statement

The if else-if statement is used in that situation, when we want to execute different block code in different conditions. In this statement, there can be multiple block of code defined in the else-if statement and one block of code defined in the if statement.

The process starts by the checking of if block condition. If it is not true, then it will check the condition of else-if statement. If none of these condition is true, then in that situation else block code will be execute.

Here is the syntax of if else-if statement.

if(condition 1)
  //to be executed if condition 1 is true
else if(condition 2)
  //to be executed if condition 2 is true.
else if(condition 3)
  //to be executed if condition 3 is true.
   //to be executed if all the above conditions are false.