This chapter introduces types of linked list in brief and ensures that anybody can understand its differences very well.
Single Linked list
A single linked list is made up of nodes where each node has two parts, the first one is the info part that contains the actual data of the list and the second one is the link part that points to the next node of the list or we can say that it contains the address of the next node.
A singly linked list is one in which all nodes are linked together in some sequential manner. It is also called linear linked list.
The problem with this is that we cannot access the predecessor (previous) of node from the current node. This can be overcome in doubly linked lists.
Doubly Linked List
A doubly linked list is one in which all nodes are linked together by multiple links which helps in accessing both the successor node(next node) and predecessor node (previous node).
Therefore, each node in a doubly linked list fields (pointers) to the left node and right node. This helps to traverse the list in the forward direction and backward direction.
Circular Linked List
A circular linked list is one which has no beginning and no end. A singly linked list can be made a circular linked list by simply sorting the address of the very first node in the link field of the last node.
Circular Doubly Linked List
A circular doubly linked list is one which has both the successor pointer and predecessor pointer in circular manner.
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